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外籍教师招聘启事Foreign Teacher Recruitment

发布时间:2016-03-07 点击数量:5814



Foreign Teacher Recruitment



根据教学工作安排,河北工业职业技术学院20162017学年,拟招聘英语口语教师1名。According to the teaching arrangementHebei College of Industry and Technology 2016-2017 School year, recruit 1 Foreign English Teaching Lecture.



一、招聘条件Recruitment conditions

1.母语为英语;Mother language is English;

2.年龄不超过55周岁,性别不限;No more than 55 years of age, no limited to gender;

3.身体健康;Good health

4.具有学士及以上学位证书、其他资格证书(如:TESOL颁发的资格证书);Have bachelor or above degreeand other qualifications (such as: TESOL)

5.有在中国大陆工作经历者优先Having work experience in China is preferred.


二、工作要求Job requirements

1.教授英语口语,每周工作16小时;To be an oral English teacher, 16 hours working time in one week;

2.参加学院安排的英语角和英语教研活动,并按照学院要求参加工作会议;Attend and give guidance in students English corner activity. Attend some meetings held by college, such as English Teaching and Research Meeting.

3.遵守中国法律法规和学院各项规章制度。Abide by the Chinese laws and regulations, and colleges rules and regulations.




1.月工资4500元人民币;Monthly payment is 4500 RMB Yuan.

2.外教免费使用一居室住房一套,厨具、电器齐全;College provides free accommodation. Standard of accommodation is a one-bedroom, one-living-room apartment with furniture, kitchen utensils, and electrical appliances.

3.学院提供工作用电脑一台,免费上网;College provides one computer and free internet.

4.为外教购买人身意外险和大病险;Commercial insurance for foreign teacher.

5.提供从石家庄或北京至外教所在国家机票款(如果签订半年合同,负担单程机票款;签订1年合同,负担往返机票款)。Provide airplane ticket from Shijiazhuang or Beijing to foreign teachers motherland (one-way ticket for half-year work in college; return ticket for one-year work in college)  





四、联系方式Contact Information

联系人Contact person:石琳玮 Mrs.SHI LINWEI

